Thứ Sáu, 9 tháng 9, 2016

Top 17 hard to believe facts

It is hard to believe but the 17 following are totally true, they are fact of life that can make you surprise so much

Kết quả hình ảnh cho facts

  1. Human thigh bones are stronger than concrete.
  2. Cockroaches can live for several weeks with their heads cut off, because their brains are located inside their body. They would eventually die from being unable to eat.
  3. Scientists have tracked butterflies that travel over 3,000 miles.
  4. To produce a single pound of honey, a single bee would have to visit 2 million flowers.
  5. The population is expected to rise to 10.8 billion by the year 2080.
  6. Hyphephilia are people who get aroused by touching fabrics.
  7. Billy goats urinate on their own heads to smell more attractive to females.
  8. The person who invented the Frisbee was cremated and made into frisbees after he died!
  9. During your lifetime, you will produce enough saliva to fill two swimming pools.
  10. If Pinokio says “My Noes Will Grow Now”, it would cause a paradox. Details here.
  11. Polar bears can eat as many as 86 penguins in a single sitting. (If they lived in the same place)
  12. King Henry VIII slept with a gigantic axe beside him.You breathe on average about 8,409,600 times a year
  13. More than 60,000 people are flying over the United States in an airplane right now.
  14. Hamsters run up to 8 miles at night on a wheel.
  15. A waterfall in Hawaii goes up sometimes instead of down.
  16. A church in the Czech Republic has a chandelier made entirely of human bones.
  17. Under the Code of Hammurabi, bartenders who watered down beer were punished by execution.
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