Thứ Ba, 30 tháng 8, 2016

Foods rich in vitamin C

Here is a list of highest vitamin c foods in all kind of food in the world. Let's se to have a better health

Kết quả hình ảnh cho vitamin c foods

1. Brussels Sprouts

While not everyone’s favorite food, Brussels sprouts have a great Vitamin C reputation. One serving of cooked Brussels sprouts has almost 50 mg of vitamin C. Brussels sprouts are also high in vitamin K, folate, vitamin A, manganese, potassium and dietary fiber. However, even with all of these nutrients, it’s still near impossible to convince your kids to give them a try.

2. Melons

Many melons have vitamin C. Just one cup of cantelope will provide you with approximately 67 mg of vitamin c, plus plenty of vitamin A and potassium. Additionally, watermelon is another great source of vitamin c, as one serving will give you 112% of your daily needs.

3. Dark leafy greens

Kale, mustard greens, turnip greens, watercress, chard and spinach (as well as most other leafy greens) are all great vitamin C foods to add to your diet. While they all provide different amounts of this essential nutrient, they are all very healthy for you. Kale would be the best choice, as it may have up to 130 mg of vitamin C in one serving. That is one day’s vitamin C needs in a single serving!

4. Amalaki Fruit

Another exotic fruit from India, this nutrient-dense super-food is one of the most important medicines in the Ayurvedic pharmacopeia. The fruit is picked, dried and used for its health-boosting properties. It holds one of the most concentrated supplies of vitamin C, so its no wonder it has been valued for thousands of years for its immune enhancing properties.

5. Broccoli

Whether you eat it raw or cooked, you can never go wrong with broccoli. One serving of this little green tree has over 90 mg of Vitamin C. Broccoli is also one of the best detox foods to add to your diet.

6. Cauliflower

While not as colorful as some of our other foods high in vitamin C, cauliflower holds its own with this essential nutrient. Just one cup of cauliflower will give you approximately 46 mg, not to mention plenty of vitamin K, folate and dietary fiber.

7. Tomatoes

The bright red tomatoes are another common Vitamin C food. Try using sun-dried tomatoes as they are particularly concentrated in this essential nutrient. Just one serving of 100 grams holds over 100 mg of vitamin C. This equals 170% of our daily needs.

8. Select Herbs

Many fresh herbs such as cilantro, chives, thyme, basil and parsley are high in Vitamin C. Buy some fresh herbs and sprinkle on every meal. In fact, just one cup of fresh parsley has over 130 mg of Vitamin C. And thyme comes in first, with 160 mg in one cup.

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