Thứ Ba, 7 tháng 6, 2016

Are bats blind? Can bats see?

Of all the species, bats are a specialized species living and hunting at night. So why bats can fly in darkness without light. That's because we never use "eyes" to see the road at night. Scientists have long studied this special ability of bats. They found that the bats very small eyes, almost blind. Are bats blind? Can bats see?

Are bats blind? Can bats see?
Yet the ability of prey and bats fly at night by the very nature do not have little obstruction. Since then scientists have determined that the vision is not the reason why bats can do so. Things gradually unravel when Spallanzani Italian scientists conducted a small test of bat ears are back. The end result is a bat was wobbly on its routes and can not hunt any prey. Spallanzani then have speculated that bats have a particular ability to rely on sound to navigate at night without lights. Are bats blind? Can bats see?

Are bats blind? Can bats see?
It was not until later, when scientific development, speculation about the new bat species gradually been clarified. At the top of the bat is a "nose" has a special structure. When bats fly, this structure emits a high-frequency sound waves, sound waves humans can not hear. If there is something such as a flying insect or a cord stretched across the sound waves hit it, immediately echo back, nose and receiver get feedback based on which to judge which direction and distance, allowing researchers to catch prey, or if not the prey that is an obstacle, the bat knows that avoiding sugar. Are bats blind? 

Scientists call the method to find objects based on the response of the bat is "positioning reply". What makes people surprised that we could get a response and distinguished 250 just for a second. The ability to distinguish the navigation system's response is very high bats. It can distinguish precise feedback signals of insects, leaves, soil surface, so that you know what is where obstructions are also prey.

Also due to the bat's sonar emits very strong so we can still work efficiently even with the interferers nearby. This is for the "live radar" capable of hunting small prey such as mosquito is extremely flexible and accurate.

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