Thứ Hai, 20 tháng 6, 2016

Penguins offspring look like?

Volume varies species, can be up to several tens of kilograms. They are usually gregarious, thousands crowded children. Every year, in the winter in Antarctica from February to October, penguins live in the sea. October is the time incipient Antarctic spring, they again reached a long way off the beach on the place of birth.

Penguins offspring look like?
Penguin, also known as bird penguin wings (the Sphenisciformes, they Spheniscidae - banded penguin taken in spending means wedge) is a wingless bird living under water is mainly in the area of ​​the Southern Hemisphere - penguins facts for kids. Antarctic ice just wide, with an average annual temperature of the lowest in the continent on Earth, but the Penguins still live and have tens of different species. They are covered with dense hair, thick grease to withstand the cold.

Penguins offspring look like?
Before spawning, males and female birds to build a "house". We busy gurgles on the beach, sucking each stone quarry used to bring them alternately collect and look after these stones. Picking up a stone, and the other is put into a pile of stones neatly.

These penguins can just roll the cow has nearly 100km, can pass on the sea ice returning with rocky coastline where the Antarctic mainland. Normally males ashore first, then go straight to the "house" of them last year some interesting facts. "House" of rock-legged penguin. From there, the penguins look coastline has huge cliffs to spawn, because here despite heavy snow storms also tough not matter to them.

In November, the penguin lays two pale blue eggs. Now, exciting new drama appears. Males and female birds take turns guarding and hatching eggs - amazing animal facts. Females go out to sea to feed for a while, then returned to alternately for males. Then the males returned to the children go. But the birds always return "home" at the time of going to hatch chicks. When the chicks born, the parents take turns to look after and nurture them in about 4 weeks.

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